This is hands-down, my favorite cacao I’ve ever had and I’ve tried from most countries in South America. It is the most alive! Everyone I share it with feels similarly. Perfect flavor balance!
Kawa Cacao has been my daily ritual for quite some time now and I haven’t had any comparable Cacao that’s opened my heart so sweet and gently like this one. It feels very grounding and brings me clarity. It’s always a pleasure to connect with Gabriel and the joy of receiving his Cacao🤍 in gratitude.
Kawa ‘s cacao bars are one of a kind. The sweetness from the mucilage paired with the pure cacao is absolutely divine!
I am obsessed with this chocolate! I have never tried anything like it before! Love the fac that I can enjoy such pure dark cocoa that is not bitter with 0 sugar! With the mucilage from the bean included, it not only adds natural sweetness to the cacao, it also provides more synergistic benefits from consuming more of the plant. Most important to me, is that it is consciously grown on a regenerative farm with zero pesticides. I can not say enough good things about this intentional product. This chocolate is so rich and deeply nourishing to my soul!
Los chocolates Ka wa me encantan porque son puro cacao, sin azúcar y naturales. Me gusta siempre tenerlos en mi casa, porque me llenan de energía.
Seit zwei Jahren hat Kakao einen ganz besonderen Platz in meinem Herzen eingenommen und ist zu einem unverzichtbaren Teil meines Alltags geworden. Er ist nicht nur mein täglicher Begleiter, sondern ich habe auch ganz persönliche Rituale rund um ihn kreiert. Diese tiefe Verbindung mit Kakao hat mein Leben auf vielfältige Weise bereichert. Meine Begegnungen mit dieser außergewöhnlichen Frucht sind stets erfüllend, und ich bin zutiefst dankbar für jeden Augenblick, den ich mit diesem kostbaren Natur Geschenk genießen darf
Kawa Chocolates is a ”must have » for chocolate lovers! The genius idea of using the whole cacao fruit to make a delicious chocolate bar from 100% cacao, i’ts just mind blowing. I had the honor to visit the farm and factory of Kawa Chocolates and see the artesinal creation from start to finish. If you are looking for a low impact, eco friendly chocolate bar, kawa is a great choice.
I’ve been both drinking and serving Kawa’s ceremonial grade cacao for 3 years now and it’s been a huge part of my growth and expansion in this time. I am forever grateful to the sacred spirit of cacao and Kawa´s chocolates truly hold the pure energy of cacao to the highest level!
Kawa Chocolates es pura delicia en cada bocado, con un sabor intenso y auténtico que realmente destaca entre los demás chocolates por su textura suave y el sabor único que lo caracteriza.
Los chocolates kawa se han convertido en mi ritual cada mañana, creí que iba a extrañar mi café cuando tuve que dejarlo pero este cacao me ha salvado la vida. Sólo un poco de agua caliente y listo!, tiene el balance perfecto entre amargo y dulce :), no lo cambio por nada!